Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sick Kitty

Our younger kitty has been diagnosed with kidney disease. I was thinking about including some pictures of the kitty with the grandchild, but his recent diagnosis has got me thinking about another approach,death, which may be interesting for the site. However, as I think about it, it may be too deep for the site, which I would like to keep the tone lighter. Also, I am thankfully, not an expert on death, as our family has been particularly lucky in that regard. So, although that might offer some interesting issues to discuss, I think I shall stay on more upbeat topics. And, the vet said since he is a realitvely young kitty, the treatments should be particularly effective, and we may not even be dealing with that issue for a while. Hurray for medicine!


Chrysalis said...

That's so sad to hear about a little one! My family has some older cats with kidney problems and we have to feed them special food that is supposed to help. Hopefully your kitty will do well with the treatment too.

Chrysalis said...

Death is something everyone has to struggle with at one time or another...and it certainly makes the rest of life more difficult when you are trying to deal with it. My friend passed away at Christmastime, and then I had another who had experimental heart surgery a few weeks later, so the winter quarter was rough for me to get through:(

Having to deal with losing a cherished pet can also be a very tough experience to go through because they hold a special place in our hearts.

You are coming up with some interesting ideas. I can understand wanting to keep your page more upbeat for this project though:)

Christy said...

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. It's terrible when they're sick. My cat lost two pounds and even though the vet still described her as voluptuous I still had all these tests run to make sure she was healthy. Many, many dollars later she is fine. But I am glad I got the tests done for peace of mind. Hope your furry friend gets better soon:)

Brice said...

I'm sorry to read about your cat's diagnosis. I like the pictures of your granddaughter, very cute. I think your ideas of sharing your experience of being a grandmother are a great idea.

Hadley said...

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. Illness of loved ones is certainly no fun.
I find it interesting that you were thinking about making a site about death. While it's regarded as a very dark subject (in our culture at least) there IS a wealth of information about it.
Recently I learned of "green burials" during which a person is buried in a forest with no casket (what's the point of caskets anyway?) and then a tree marks their place. Such a beautiful idea. When my friend's Dad died he probably would have liked to have been buried this way but we didn't know about it at the time. She planted a tree instead.
Wish I could have buried my dog this way. Cremation is also very bad for the environment and, well, not a very comforting though.

Hadley said...

"thought", I meant.

katherine said...

As a cat lover, I am very sorry to hear that. But I am glad the medicine will most likely work.
As for a topic for the website, death is interesting ... but if it is related to a cat, I think I would cry. So grandmotherhood is probably a better bet.