Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More info for website

Well, with the granddaughter's birthday tomorrow, April 23, I expect I will have a spate of first birthday pictures to post. I hope to be able to use some of the photoshop skills we will be learning to edit/embellish the photos. My (newly pregnant) daughter-in-law, however, is a professional photographer, so there will be some tough standards to live up to in the photo department. Below is one she took of Olivia when she was about 4 months old.


Nancy K said...

What a great picture. Photoshop will be interesting to learn and I know you'll have fun taking the pictures. When you daughter-in-law has her baby, you'll have 2 to take pictures of!! It always makes me laught when people bring out their phones to show pictures and now, with my daughter expecting, I can see I'll have to get one so I can do the same thing!!

Meredith said...

Ahhh! That is the cutest! You are quite right to be so proud... looking forward to your website.

falblute said...

Aw, cute kid...and a nice picture. Photoshop will be a fun learning experience-- and it'll look good on your resume! I use it all the time in the archive.

Diwata (aka Mrs. Stolberg on some posts-Sorry it's my post-marriage pseudonym) said...

I had been meaning to learn html for YEARS. I feel like the mystery has finally been revealed, a bit like the wizard behind the curtain.

Diwata (aka Mrs. Stolberg on some posts-Sorry it's my post-marriage pseudonym) said...

Gorgeous photo. It's amazing how much an image can change a site's look. Now that we're learning about design, I really have a lot of respect for designers.