Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, after this week's exercise of writing a very simple page out by hand, I will be glad to begin to use Dreamweaver. It was an interesting exercise, to be sure, but too many ways to mess up with a missing angle bracket, slash, etc. Makes my eyes hurt trying to figure out where the mistake was. It is good, however, to know the basics of how things work, so I am not sorry we did it. (kind of like searching in Dialog in 511!)

I am looking forward to the Cascading Style Sheets. That will also make the pages uniform. Is there any reason NOT to use CSS? Why would you not?

1 comment:

alek (initials: as) said...

To have control over a webpage you have to use source code, there is just no other way around it if you need to accomplish something more than text formatting. I made the same mistake trying to design pages in design view in Dreamweaver. Days of frustration showed: source code is our savior.