Thursday, April 3, 2008

Final Project Topic

Almost one year ago (April 23 to be exact) I became a grandmother for the first time, by way of my daughter, and we just found out that my son's wife is newly pregnant. So, the topic of grandmother-hood seems natural.

What they say about time flying is so true! When my children were infants, the time both seemed to fly and stop still in its tracks at the same time, with the worrying, sleepless nights, delight in new skills and "firsts". It seems the same this time, but being once removed I am spared some of the worry and almost all the sleepless nights. The different perspective from being this many years older makes for new worries, however. What kind of world will they grow up in?

My first thoughts for the website include maybe some tips on how to be a grandmother. I try to not offer unwanted advice to my daughter, who makes that easy because she took to motherhood so wonderfully. As a child, she was not interested in dolls or babysitting, so at times I wondered if she would want children. See is a wonderful mother, just one more proof that your children never stop surprising and delighting you.

I'd also like to include some type of light-hearted quiz on what type of grandmother will you be. Oh, and of course, the obligatory page with pictures! This should be fun.

Speaking of pictures, here is our little princess on Easter. (the dress lasted about 15 minutes till she needed to crawl around. But at least we got pictures!)

And, here is what happens if she is asked to pose too long:


Prof. Corse said...

Too, too cute! I like the grumpy picture.

Chrysalis said...

What an exciting time for you! That's a unique topic for a website. I like that idea.

My parents really want to be grandparents, but haven't had any luck with my sisters yet. So far, all they have are grandpuppies:)

jenny said...

Hey Dorothy! I think this is a great idea for your final project. She is such a cutey!

Nancy K said...

she is so cute, Dorothy

My daughter is newly pregnant - she is due in October. I am looking forward to being a grandmom - my sister has 6 grandchildren (all under 6)and it has been fun watching them grow.

great idea for a website